Facility Policies
To promote safety and comfort, the YMCA asks all persons to act appropriately at all times when in our facilities, on our property or participating in our programs. We expect persons using the YMCA to act maturely, to behave responsibly, and to respect the rights and dignty of others.

Members should always present their membership card to gain access to the facility.
The YMCA reserves the right to deny access to members who do not have their current and valid identification card.

Guests need to sign in and leave a photo ID at the front desk.
Guests will not be allowed in the facility without a current and valid photo ID.

The YMCA reserves the right to revoke any membership, guest pass or visitor relationship.
Should violations occur in any of the above categories, the Y first and foremost promotes safety in a healthy environment. Abuse of policies and precautions of any kind will not be tolerated.

YMCA Staff and volunteers understand common practices of those who harm youth and the best practices to stop harm.
Staff and volunteers recognize warning signs and behaviors that signal abuse or risk for abuse. Our staff and volunteers respond by reporting suspicious behaviors to YMCA supervisors and authorities.

All youth program participants must provide proof of medical insurance to be eligible to participate.

Members and guests are not allowed to solicit, buy or sell any non-YMCA goods or services without express written consent of management.

Members and guests are to abide by all State and Federal laws while in the facility.
Violation of the law while using the YMCA facility or services can result in termination of member or guest privileges.

The YMCA is a smoke, tobacco, alcohol and drug free facility and grounds.

Children over the age of 5 must use gender-appropriate locker rooms.
The Y offers family changing rooms for those with disabilities, as well as for children who are old enough to use the gender-appropriate locker rooms, but need assistance.

Lifeguards and Aquatic staff have the authority to request the testing of any member, regardless of age for swimming ability, and directed accordingly, if they feel it is necessary.
Please respect their decision to do so, it is for your safety.

Any child who is under the age of 12 years old cannot be left unsupervised in our building.
The child must be under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian at all times.

There should be no food or beverages in the gymnasium or any program areas at any time.

The YMCA will not tolerate discrimination in regard to race, sexual orientation, creed, religion or income level.

Members and guests should dress appropriately when using YMCA facilities.
This includes wearing proper footwear within the wellness center and common areas, appropriate swim suits, workout attire, and non-offensive t-shirts. Shirts must be worn at all times, with the exception of the pool and therapy center.

During fire alarms, members, guests, and staff are all required to exit the facility immediately.
There are no exceptions.

Guests and outside contractors are asked to wait in our lobby area for appointments.

All members 12-16 years old need to complete a facility orientation with the Director on Duty.
Parents need to verify, sign the form, and return to the Membership Director.

The Y is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
Please bring a lock and keep your valuables in a locker.

The YMCA reserves the right to conduct a background check on any member or guest.
The YMCA also reserves the right to deny entry or membership to registered sex offenders of any level.

Members and guests are expected to use appropriate language and be courteous to other guests at all times.

Members and guests should schedule a Wellness Center orientation to learn proper use of all of the cardio, strength training and free weight equipment prior to using them.

The Y will not tolerate bullying of any kind.

All accidents and injuries must be reported immediately to the Director on Duty.
An incident report form will be filed for each accident. Incident report forms are the property of the YMCA.

The YMCA staff is not responsible for toileting duties of young children.

Parents must remain in the building (including off-site locations) with youth under the age of 12 years old that are enrolled in programs, unless otherwise noted on the program registration form.
Parents are responsible for supervision to the restroom and drinking fountain during programs.